

pp电子极速糖果鼓励教师在任何场合与媒体和社区互动. 社区参与对pp电子极速糖果的使命至关重要.

Daily headlines feature stories about education, 政府, 环境, 医学, 还有更多. 帮助公众了解情况,并加强不同意见的交流, 市场推广及传讯处致力透过增加我们在媒体上的曝光度,传达大学的工作. We promote new research findings, 事件, 主要研究, 即将出版的书, student and faculty achievements or honors, and other things that might be unique to Colorado Mesa.


  • 我们可以帮助制定策略,提高媒体和社区的存在感.

  • 我们可以为媒体提供信息,比如新闻稿, 新闻报告, public service announcements, departmental information, or background information.

  • 媒体关系经理可以协助在报纸上刊登专栏文章.

  • We not only field calls 记者, but we make calls to 记者. 我们可以为你的故事找到合适的版面,但前提是你要和我们分享.

  • 我们还将通知您有关您的专业和兴趣领域的媒体报道.


  • 当媒体联系你,让你参与他们正在做的报道时,请告诉我们. 这有助于我们跟踪有关您的专业领域和pp电子极速糖果的新闻报道, 在一般情况下.

  • 如果您的个人资料有任何变化,请及时通知我们. 这有助于我们在媒体需要专家时真正使用您的专业知识和知识.

  • Don't wait for us to call you. We don't catch every story. 如果你在报纸、电视或广播上看到了什么,请告诉我们. Also, keep an eye on the journals that you receive. 通常情况下,新的信息还没有到达媒体,我们可以提示故事.

  • 让我们参与进来 ... 早期. 我们越早知道新的研究发现和即将发表的文章, 我们收集的信息越多,我们与媒体的合作就越成功.

  • Let us know if there is a problem. 如果你对某名记者或某件事感到不自在,就直说. We are used to hearing people say "no". If you will do newspaper or magazine interviews, but are hesitant to do television or live radio interviews, 没关系. 我们将确保您与最让您感到舒适的人和环境一起工作. +, 如果您有兴趣改善您的形象或风格,我们可以提供一对一或团体媒体培训.


  • Return media calls promptly. Most 记者 are working three or four stories each day. They are also under tremendous deadline pressure. 在他们完成采访后,任何报道都还有很多工作要做. The sooner they hear 从 you, the better.

  • Don't get pressured into answering questions on the spot. 如果一个记者因为一个问题给你打电话,你可以要求马上给他们回电话. Get some information together. 准备一份简短的备忘单,包括你想说的要点. The interview is YOURS, not theirs. 让它为你工作.

  • Close the office door, turn off the radio, and close the website. 尽量减少干扰是很重要的,这样你就可以专注于记者的提问. 这不仅能让你的回答更简洁,还能让你真正“听到”记者的声音. 密切倾听的技巧往往会暴露出记者在某个问题上的偏见. Then you know if you are educating the reporter, offering fresh insight and perspective, or preaching to the choir.

  • Have a business card ready for the reporter... 即使是在电话里. Make sure that you spell your name and title. This will minimize mistakes in the long run.

  • Reporters don't just call and ask people's opinions for nothing. If they are calling you, you can expect to be quoted. 如果一个记者承诺某件事是“非正式的”,确保你信任这个记者. Trust with journalists is built over time. If you haven't dealt with a reporter before, 确保你所有的评论(即使是“非记录”的评论)都适合被记录下来.

  • 保持简单. 虽然这不是我们听说过的四年级阅读水平, 记者 do try to make information simple for the reader. 如果你在谈论量子物理学,而记者正在“简化它”,那就等着犯错吧. Try to make the information understandable for the public. 解释它的方式和你解释基础课程或“入门”课程的内容一样...”类.

  • If you don't know, say so. Reporters are not trying to make you look bad. 面试中最大的错误是在你强行回答问题时犯的. Take your time and only answer what you know. 如果学生不知道多项选择题的答案,你可能会建议他们“猜”, 在作文考试中,你可以很快发现不知道答案的人.

  • If you make a mistake, fix it. Don't hope that no one will notice. 如果你在记者截稿前发现了错误,直接给他们打电话. 如果你在出版物印刷或采访播出后发现错误, contact the Marketing and Communications Office. 我们需要知道某些媒体和/或记者是否犯了错误,以便我们可以防止您的同事今后出现问题.

  • 在你的专业领域进行面试时,使用你在学校的头衔. 然而,在你作为教师之外的公开互动时,你应该小心. Realize that when you speak out publicly at a forum, write a letter to the editor, or argue with someone at a cocktail party, you are doing so as a private citizen. Your views may not reflect those of Colorado Mesa University, your school, your department, or your colleagues. 在“上班时间”竞选或支持政治事业也是违反州法律的。. 因为教师的工作时间在课堂之外并没有特别的安排, 请用你最好的判断力来避免让人觉得你是作为一名政府雇员在支持一项事业.

  • 在这个媒体市场,记者直接联系你并不罕见. 记者不需要事先获得媒体关系办公室的批准, though we strongly encourage such action. If you do conduct an interview, 请通知媒体关系经理,以便我们追踪报道.

  • In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, or when approached for comment on criminal or civil actions, please direct questions to the Media Relations Manager. 因为责任问题和信息快速变化的可能性, 最好让所有的信息都来自媒体关系总监.

  • If you are unsure or don't feel right about an interview... contact Media Relations. We get paid to run the gauntlet with the media. 如果你感觉不太舒服,就不应该回答问题或进行面试.

  • Outside of business hours? 你或媒体可以24小时通过手机联系公共关系总监Kelsey Coleman 707.812.0798